EXTRUCOAT 21 was founded with the purpose of continuing a chain of companies specialized in selling and painting aluminum profiles by adding the extrusion activity to this chain. Every new company we establish is intended to add value to our group.
Dawlia for treating and painting metals offered the metals’ treatment and painting services. It also offered a very important feature that no any other company in the group offers. This company serves a big and diversified customer base as a result of having the flexibility to paint a huge variety of product designs and sizes.
Then Dawlia 21 was established to paint aluminum profiles only. Although it serves a less diversified segment, it serves them much faster that the old Dawlia. It also has an aluminum profiles warehouse which offers customers the option of buying a ready painted profile instead of buying the profiles from one place and painting them in another place.
Finally EXTRUCOAT21 was established to provide the same services offered by Dawlia 21; however, this time our company is not only a distributor of aluminum profiles, but also an extruder of aluminum profiles.
Our entrance in the aluminum extrusion business is not only of added value to our group, but more importantly to our customers who have been in desperate need for Dawlia 21’s painting quality in the extruded aluminum field.
Just as Dawlia 21 is the only aluminum painting company in Egypt to genuinely comply with the following quality standards: QUALICOAT, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, and QUALIDECO, EXTRUCOAT will be the only aluminum extrusion company in Egypt to genuinely comply with the same quality standards.

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